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Grant Recipients: 2018-19, and 2020 COVID-19 Emergency Fund

2019 Grant Cycle: Fenix Humanitarian Legal Aid & Mobile Info Team

In 2019, SolidariTee were proud to award grants covering the entire operational costs of two incredible NGOs: Fenix Humanitarian Legal Aid, working on Lesvos, and Mobile Info Team, working in Thessaloniki. By giving these two organisations, both very newly set up at the time, the security of not having to worry about whether they would have the funding for their work for an entire year, they were able to focus on long-term growth and sustainability. To this day, they are two of the most impactful NGOs providing refugee aid in Greece.


Spring 2020: COVID-19 Emergency Fund 


The current COVID-19 pandemic is a huge threat and source of disruption globally. However, it is vulnerable communities, including asylum seekers, who were, and continue to be, hit the hardest of all. Europe’s refugee camps woefully under-resourced, and normal preventative measures such as hand washing and physical distancing are incredibly difficult to achieve. Given the unprecedented scale of the current pandemic, we recognised that an urgent healthcare response was imperative in order to save lives.



Kitrinos Healthcare


Kitrinos have been providing medical care to residents in Moria camp on the island of Lesvos for four years and had been working to expand their operations to fight the COVID-19 outbreak, including setting up a ‘Nightingale’-style emergency field hospital on Lesvos, to treat patients suffering from COVID-19; providing public health education to camp residents on the importance of social distancing and handwashing, the mainstay of global guidelines aimed at reducing the number of new infections; and evacuating the most vulnerable individuals from Moria camp.


On September 9th, huge fires consumed the Moria camp and left nearly 13,000 men, women and children without shelter or access to essential services. Despite this, the Kitrinos team have continued to support asylum seekers on the island, providing medical advice and vital medications to those with long-term health conditions.


Mobile Info Team


Fenix - Humanitarian Legal Aid

SolidariTee is committed to funding the most innovative and sustainable projects, helping them in the early stages so that they can create lasting change. If your organisation works in refugee aid, particularly legal aid, and you would like to be notified as to when our next grant cycle opens, please email


SolidariTee is an international student-led charity working to better uphold the rights of those forced to flee their homes and migrate in vulnerable situations. We raise awareness of the 'refugee crisis' and offer grants to NGOs and individuals working in this field.

UK Registered Charity Number: 1182195

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